LIVE Workouts!

LIVE Workouts!

Do you miss the motivation of working out with a group?? Well, we have some good news! SCI Total Fitness will be starting LIVE virtual workouts! You will be able to workout with other people who have similar challenges and motivate each other 🙂 Doesn’t that sound like fun?! As the technology advances, there are more possibilities to expand the benefits! SCI Total Fitness was started because we understand the difficulty of getting to a gym. There are many reasons why working out at home is not only convenient, but necessary. This should not mean you cannot be motivated – or motivate others. So let’s all workout together! Using Google Hangouts – there is a limitation of 9 people, so it is small enough for interaction, but big enough to see a variety of group members. Does this sound awesome to you?? If you are interested, email me some convenient times.  

One thought on “LIVE Workouts!

  1. Pamela Poulan

    Wow! Love this idea and definetly need motivation. I have many friends in wheelchairs that I think would be interested. I will send them this link.
    Time zones will be different for some. So I am open to anytime.