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Exercise to Manage Anxiety

Exercise has been shown to lead to reductions of more than 50% in the prevalence of symptoms of anxiety. Hippocrates believed that emotions came from the heart, and that is where the treatment for maladies should start. Keep your heart healthy and you will keep your mood healthy! There are many ways that exercise helps ... Read More

Being A Great Caregiver

Being a caregiver is an important job! You may or may not be getting paid for performing this physically and emotionally demanding job. Know that you are not alone! Caregivers have higher levels of stress and depression, and this can lead to cardiovascular disease and hypertension. You also perform a physically demanding job, and can ... Read More
Why Does It Hurt?

Why Does It Hurt?

We just discussed how chronic stress can lead to physical pain. Even though we know all the benefits of exercise, it can be difficult to convince ourselves to exercise when we are in pain. However, not exercising can actually contribute to increased pain and prolonged symptoms. Let’s first look at ... Read More
Recharging the Mind

Recharging the Mind

As promised, we are going to conclude our discussion about stress management with addressing your mental clarity. Let’s talk about the benefits of meditation. Spending even a few minutes in meditation can restore your calm and inner peace. Anyone can practice meditation. It’s simple and inexpensive, and it doesn’t require any special equipment. You can ... Read More
Improving Stress Management

Improving Stress Management

Now that you are aware about how detrimental chronic stress can be to your whole body, it’s time to focus on improving how you manage that stress. The great news is that there are some simple things you can do! Regular exercise is the #1 way to manage stress! It is healthy, it is inexpensive, ... Read More